It's been nearly a year; well for all intents and purposes it has been a year. That makes me pretty much the worst blogger ever.
Right, quick update then down to business: this year i graduated!
I also now work in fashion, in London town, which is a pretty glum place to be these days, what with winter, the recession and newspapers and magazines overrun with that most ghastly of terms: 'credit-crunch.'
But yesterday it snowed, and HOW. I woke up to a winter wonderland; sooty Holloway Road washed clean and bathed in a blanket of pristine white.
The buses were all suspended, tubes were down and HURRAH - no work.
I'm back at my desk today, but refreshed, rejuvenated and so ready to resume this blog.
So quick update; my style resolutions this year are:
a) to channel french chic,
b) to add a dash of English eccentricity, and
c) to invest in some pretty pastels to help me float into spring and out of this slump.
And with this in mind, behold my next 3 purchases:
1) Urban Outfitters silk blouse - in the most delectable lemon sherbet colour.

3) Lomo Diana camera in Dreamer - because lomo images are just amazing, and this camera is so beautiful it makes me want to lay down with it in a field of cupcakes.

4) Topshop Lolly heels - in a lovely blush pink.
I've also replenished my slew of American Apparel basics, but that's neither here nor there!
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